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Facts: Health officials in our area are now seeing a surge in flu cases and urge people to take steps to prevent infection. A pandemic flu is a global outbreak of disease from a new influenza virus. Humans have no or little natural resistance to a new strain of influenza. As a result, pandemic flu is likely to be more severe, affect more people, and cause more deaths than seasonal flu.

What to do:

  • Stop germs from spreading. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly with warm water.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Use tissue or cough into your upper sleeve.
  • Don’t share food, utensils or beverage containers with others.
  • Stay home if you feel sick. See a health care provider if you have cough or fever, and follow their instructions.
  • Stay tuned to the radio for updates on emergency information.
  • If you know of someone who is unable to understand, see, or hear this message, please tell them about it.

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