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Posts categorized under Preparedness Archives - AlertSeattle

Winter Weather Preparedness

December 21st was the official start of winter, and winter brings plenty of hazards, including rain, snow, wind, and landslides. Being prepared for winter hazards is important, especially as we all spend more time at home as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Winter Hazards The winter months bring us… [ Keep reading ]

OEM – Wildfire Smoke and Air Quality Guidance

Alert Seattle: Wildfire smoke in the area is causing unhealthy air quality. Take steps to protect yourself from wildfire smoke:

OEM – Disaster Skills Workshop Tonight-West Seattle

Alert Seattle: There are still open spaces in OEM’s Disaster Skills Workshop tonight at the West Seattle Library Branch! Register at

OEM -2019 Novel Coronavirus Info

Alert Seattle: For up to date information on the novel corona virus (2019 nCoV) go to