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Posts categorized under Seattle Fire Department, Author at AlertSeattle

OEM – Emergency Preparedness

Alert Seattle: Attend the Seattle Home Fair virtually on 10/14 and in-person on 10/21. For more information visit

OEM – Wildfire Smoke and Air Quality Guidance

Alert Seattle: An AIR QUALITY ALERT is in effect for Seattle until 12PM Monday. Monitor local conditions, and go to for safety info.

SFD-Smoke Advisory

Alert Seattle: Fire in a vacant warehouse at 10th Ave S. & S. King St.. Please avoid the area. Close your windows and doors due to smoke.

2022-11-8 Ingraham HS Active Incident

Alert Seattle: Alert Seattle: SPD on scene at Ingraham HS. Situation stabilized but active and ongoing. Avoid the area. More information available at:

Excessive Heat Warning Update

Alert Seattle: Heat Warning extended through Sunday 7/31. Cooling centers are available this weekend:

SDOT-Traffic-Major-Disruption Update

AlertSeattle (SDOT): major traffic disruption UPDATE at (edit location & lanes open) for details:


AlertSeattle: the structure fire in the 9200 block of Renton Ave. S. is now under control. Continue to avoid the area as crews demobilize from the scene.

Heat Wave July 2022: Alert 1

AlertSeattle: A Heat Advisory is in effect July 26-29. Heat safety tips and cooling center information:

SPD/SFD-Safety-911 Outage

AlertSeattle from Seattle Police and Fire: If you cannot connect to Seattle 911, please call 206-583-2111, 206-625-5011 or text 911 ONLY for emergencies.

AlertSeattle from Seattle Fire and Police Regarding Fireworks

Celebrate the 4th of July weekend safely without the use of fireworks! Last year, there were 237 fireworks-related injuries and 360 fires in WA. Fireworks are ILLEGAL in Seattle for a reason, and can have unintended consequences including loss of life…

SDOT-Traffic-Disruption Cleared

AlertSeattle-DOT: The major traffic disruption at (edit location) has cleared, for details:


AlertSeattle (SDOT): Major traffic disruption blocking the southbound & northbound I-5 off-ramps to Corson Av/Michigan St. Please use alternate routes.

SFD-Safety-Gas Leak

AlertSeattle: natural gas leak at 2800 block of NW Market St. is under control – firefighters will soon allow pedestrians back in area.