SEATTLE — With record crowds lining downtown streets for today’s Seahawks victory parade, police and fire are asking people to please stay on the sidewalks and leave the streets clear for emergency vehicles.
The event starts at 11 this morning, and the 12s have arrived en mass. Parade watchers are asked to bring their awesome Seahawks beast mode spirit — and patience — as downtown sees what could be unprecedented crowds.
Parade watchers are encouraged to take care of each other. Please be respectful of each other and private property during the parade. Law enforcement is working hard to keep the streets safe, but if you see something, please say something to an officer around the route. We want this to be a fun, joyous celebration honoring the team and the 12s.
Use the following links to plan a fun and safe Seahawks celebration:
• Seahawks live-stream:
• City of Seattle’s Alerts Blog:
• King County Metro Trip Planner:
• Sound Transit Trip Planner:
• Community Transit:
• More parade questions and answers:
• Hashtag on social media: #Celebrate48
– MoS –