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Posts categorized under Elliott Day, Author at AlertSeattle

New Mobile Tools

The Seattle Alerts Blog is a great way to get up to date information on developing situations in Seattle. The City is working hard to deliver information to constituents in many convenient ways. Last week, Mayor McGinn announced the launch of, a new mobile portal to city services and… [ Keep reading ]

How to sign up for alerts

The Seattle Alerts blog brings together emergency communications from all of the City of Seattle’s departments. There are a few ways to follow updates to the blog–no need to click “refresh” until a snowstorm hits. RSS RSS is a method for distributing content to a group of subscribers. Many browsers… [ Keep reading ]

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

Because extreme weather can happen anytime, we’ve collected a series of links from the Department of Transportation, City Light, and Seattle Public Utilities. These links focus on key tips for preparing and responding to extreme weather situations. For easy access to these resources when weather arrives, add them to your… [ Keep reading ]

Influenza activity on the rise, flu shot recommended

Seattle has seen a higher rate of influenza activity than average this winter. Some cities, like Chicago and Boston, are seeing particularly large increases in the flu. Since it is relatively early in the flu season for the level of activity being reported, it is critical to remember that vaccination… [ Keep reading ]

Update your emergency preparedness kit and win a prize!

November isn’t just the beginning of the holiday season, it’s Preparedness Month. As we get ready to celebrate the holidays with our friends and families, it is also important to remember to locate and evaluate emergency preparedness kits. If you don’t have an emergency preparedness kit, it’s time to get… [ Keep reading ]