AlertSeattle: COVID-19 Subscribers – This weekly alert provides new and updated information and links to City of Seattle programs and services for residents impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. It also contains helpful city, county, state and federal resources.
Governor’s Office, WA State departments, and King County News
- County phases, climbing cases should mean altered summer travel plans for most Washingtonians
- Increasing cases of COVID-19 in King County highlight the need to limit close contact
New OR updated Resources and Services
For the full list of resources and services, visit
City of Seattle Free COVID-19 Testing
- The City of Seattle, King County, and UW Medicine are now offering free COVID-19 testing for people who live, work, or regularly visit Seattle. Drive-through testing is available. You must first register online or over the phone. While testing is free, if you have medical insurance, please bring your insurance card or proof of insurance. To learn more about these sites, please visit the City of Seattle COVID-19 Free Testing page.
Public Health and Community Health Center COVID-19 Testing (UPDATED)
- Public Health – Seattle & King County is regularly updating their list of free testing sites located all over King County, which also includes community health centers and UW Mobile Clinics. Language and mobility access varies by location. Learn more at Public Health – Seattle King County’s website.
UW Mobile Clinic Drive-up and Walk-up Testing in Rainier Beach and South Seattle College (UPDATED)
- Free COVID-19 testing is available at the Rainier Beach High School parking lot off of S Henderson St every Wednesday and Saturday from 10 AM to 3 PM and at South Seattle College (in West Seattle) every Friday from 10 AM to 3 PM. No appointments necessary. Registration on-site. Each site has the capacity to test 100 people/day. Language interpretation is available.
City of Seattle Hygiene, Restroom, and Shower Facilities Map
- The City of Seattle has conducted an extensive accounting of every City-funded hygiene resource available. As of May 20, Seattle Parks & Recreation, Seattle Public Utilities, The Seattle Public Library, and city-sponsored day centers account for more than 165 locations where hygiene resources are available, including 89 24/7 hygiene facilities that include toilets. Human Services Department’s hygiene map includes all locations that are open and will be updated weekly.
COVID-19 Assistance Eligibility and Public Charge Information for Immigrants (UPDATED)
- The Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs compiled this COVID-19 Eligibility and Public Charge Guide for Immigrants who want to know more about how the issue of public charge might affect their ability to access healthcare and other services listed on this page.
Seattle Area Food Map
- The Seattle Human Resources Department developed this interactive Food Resource Map that shows the locations of food banks, free meals, and student to-go meal pick-ups. You can access the visual map here or an interactive list of food resources. There is also a screen reader accessible version, where you can enter your address or use your device location to search for the food resources near you.
Internet Access Information Available in (UPDATED):
Amharic: ለነዋሪዎች ዝቅተኛ ዋጋ ያለው በይነመረብ ማዳረስ
Chinese (Traditional): 實惠的居民互聯網服務
Korean: 주민들을 위한 저비용 인터넷 연결
Somali: Helitaanka Internetka Qiimaha Jaban ee Degganeyaasha
Spanish: Acceso a internet de bajo costo para residentes
Vietnamese: Cung Cấp Dịch Vụ Internet Giá Rẻ cho Cư Dân
Internet Essentials (UPDATED)
- Comcast is offering 2 months free to new Internet Essentials customers in response to recent and anticipated emergency measures associated with the COVID-19 outbreak. Visit for more information. Also, $150 refurbished laptops are available to Internet Essentials customers. You must complete an application here by December 31, 2020.
Internet First (UPDATED)
- Wave Broadband is offering free internet and WiFi for 60 days to all qualifying low-income households, especially students in low income households, who don’t already subscribe to Wave internet service and who enroll in the new Internet First program. The program is open to new Wave or Wave G customers living in a Wave or Wave G service area. You must complete the application here by December 31, 2020.
Child Care Provider Grants (UPDATED)
- The Washington State Department of Commerce is accepting applications “to support local partnerships to develop action plans that stabilize and expand child care capacity in communities.” There will be two rounds of funding. The first round is complete. The next round of applications are due September 11, 2020. Learn more about the grant and how to apply here.
Donations and Volunteer Opportunities
For a full list of opportunities: