Mayor Ed Murray and Council Members Jean Godden and Tim Burgess raise the Seahawks flag for kick off 2014.
Seahawks spirit is in full force in Seattle today as the NFL kicks off the 2014-15 season with festivities throughout the day and tonight’s Seahawks-Packers game.
Let’s show the rest of the nation how safe and LOUD Seattle can be.
Pioneer Square and downtown Seattle will be packed with fans for concerts and the game this evening. Information about road closures, transit times and public safety will be posted here. Please follow hashtags #safeandloud and #kickoff2014 on Twitter for updates there as well.
Gameday reminders:
- Bring your patience as you travel around the stadium. Many roads are closed and drivers and riders will likely experience significant traffic delays and crowded buses.
- Please limit non-essential mobile conversation and streaming video, to keep emergency lines available.
- If you see suspicious activity, please contact an officer or call 911.
Schedule of festivities:
- NFL Gameday Village in Pioneer Square opens at 10 a.m., learn more about NFL events throughout the day.
- Gates for the free pre-game Soundgarden and Pharrell Williams concert and the stadium open at 2:30 p.m.
- Seahawks-Packers game kickoffs at 5:30 p.m.
Additional information about transit services into the festivities can be found at the following websites:
- http://www.kingcounty.gov/metro
- http://communitytransit.org
- http://piercetransit.org
- http://www.soundtransit.org