- Utilize public transportation or carpool to the game
- Check out the map of gameday events* and planned street closures** at the end of this post
- All gates (for the concert and the game) open at 2:30 p.m.
- Planning on attending the game and the concert? Enter the stadium using the southern entrances and go straight to your seat and watch the concert from inside the stadium (technology!)
- Enter the concert site at 2nd Avenue and South King St.
- Bringing anything into the game? Make sure it’s packed in a clear, see-through bag!
- Kickoff is at 5:30 PM
- Refrain from harassing, threatening, or intimidating fans. That fan in the Green Bay Packers jersey might just be an undercover officer or security official.
- Our region’s privately-owned cellular networks may become taxed by throngs of cell-phone wielding revelers in and around Centurylink Field. Please help keep cell networks running along smoothly by limiting your calls, texts, Instagrams, tweets and Facebooks.
- Utilize public transportation or carpools to get away from the game
- Check out the map of gameday events* and planned street closures** at the end of this post
*Map of gameday events:
**Map of planned street closures: